Anal Sex Toy

Anal Sex Toy

Anal sex toys are fun to try alone or with a partner, but it’s always best to ease your way into anal play. Make sure any toy you choose is body-safe and lube compatible before trying it.

This little plug from Unbound is perfect for anal beginners – it’s slender, vibrates, and comes with a handy circular handle for insertion.

Anal Beads

Like all sex toys, anal beads need to be cleaned after each use to remove bacteria from the anus and rectum. A good quality set of non-porous anal beads is a great choice for beginners who are new to the experience. Porous materials like jelly, rubber, latex, and even some types of plastic can harbor bacteria. These bacteria can lead to a variety of discomforts including itching and inflammation.

To get the most out of anal beads, make sure to always insert them with plenty of lubricant. A good amount of lube will also make it easier to pull the beads out. Jerking yourself or playing with your nipples can amp up the pleasure of anal beads. Some advanced users even synchronize the removal of their anal beads with orgasms for an intense sensation.

Whether you’re using anal beads alone or with a partner, it’s important to communicate your wants and needs with your partner before getting started. Talk about what types of play you want to try and how you’ll communicate during sex to let your partner know when you’re feeling great or need some space. Some couples find it helpful to choose a safe word to use during butt play like “yellow” or “red” to signal when all playing needs to come to an end.

Butt Plugs

While there are plenty of urban legends about butt plugs getting stuck in the intestine, this is not a common occurrence. Unlike dildos and probes that are designed for in-out action, butt plugs are meant to be inserted and left in place. These toys are tapered for easy insertion and flare Anal Sex Toy out towards the bottom to prevent slipping or suckage. They can be smooth, textured or vibrating for added pleasure. Because the anal canal is rich with super-sensitive nerve endings, butt plugs can trigger intense orgasms on their own or in conjunction with other erogenous stimulation.

Whether you are using butt plugs for solo or partnered play, it is important to start slow and use lots of lube. The anal canal has a tightened sphincter, so it is important to relax and open it up before inserting anything. You can do this by engaging in other forms of stimulation like clitoral or anal stimulation before attempting to insert your plug.

Once you have your lube in place, choose a toy that is about the size of a finger. This can help you get used to the feeling of something in your bum, and you can then move up to a larger toy over time. It’s also important to keep your toy clean so that it doesn’t build up a bacterial colony. Wash your butt plug after each use with a toy-safe cleaner and hot water.

Anal Dildos

Some dildos are designed to be used in the anus for masturbation or penetration by oneself or with a partner. These are similar to butt plugs and prostate massagers, but they are usually larger in girth, and phallic in shape. They can range in sensitivity and texture, as well. Because the rectum opens into the sigmoid colon, anal dildos often have a flared end to prevent insertion beyond the anus; rectal foreign objects may require medical extraction.

While anal play isn’t for everyone, it can be a great way to explore a pleasure zone that’s rich in nerve endings for both men and women. Anal play can also provide a gateway to the erogenous zone of the prostate, the so-called G-spot.

If you’re new to anal play, we recommend starting out with a toy that is the same size as your finger or a little bigger. It’s important to start Suction Cup Anal Dildo slow, and to lube up regularly as you get comfortable. It’s also a good idea to practice using an anal toy (or butt plug, prostate massager, or anal beads) alone first, before trying it with a partner. This will give you a feel for how the toy feels in your own anus, and will help communicate with a partner what your desired sensations are. It’s also a good time to experiment with different positions, in order to find the right combination of position and pressure for you.

Prostate Massagers

Prostate massagers are insertable toys that vary in shape and size, but they’re all designed to provide p-spot stimulation. They’re often fairly small and flexible to allow them to fit easily into the anal canal. Some prostate massagers vibrate to add sensation. Others don’t—they rely on pressure and movement to stimulate anal nerves and increase pleasure. Either way, prostate massagers can be a fun and intimate addition to anal play.

Some people enjoy prostate massagers that are fused anal beads, which offer stimulation to the G-spot and sphincter muscle. Usually, these anal sex toys are thinner than those designed for vaginal use and have a flared base to prevent them from getting stuck inside the anus. They’re also popular with couples who enjoy anal sex, and they can be used with a harness for more security.

The best part about prostate massagers is that they’re easy to clean and are great for beginners. They’re also a great way to get an idea of what kind of anal stimulation you and your partner are both comfortable with. Just remember to always start with plenty of lube and be sure to wash your hands before and after playing.

Prostate penetration can be intense, so it’s important to experiment and find what feels good for you and your partner. Try different angles, depths and motions to see what triggers ejaculation or orgasm. You can even combine prostate play with penis, perineum or nipple play for added pleasure.



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