An Artificial Penis Can Be a Good Option For Men With Erectile Dysfunction

An Artificial Penis Can Be a Good Option For Men With Erectile Dysfunction

An inflatable penis can be a good option for people who have erectile dysfunction (ED) or Peyronie’s disease that isn’t responding to ED medications. The implant feels soft and natural during sexual activity, and doesn’t change the sensation on the skin or inhibit climax.

An inflatable penis consists of two attached cylinders and a pump system that is surgically placed in the body. It’s inflated for sex and deflated for daily activities.

What is an artificial penis?

An artificial penis (also called an inflatable penile prosthesis) consists of a pump system surgically implanted in the penis. It has cylinders that fill with fluid to make the penis erect for sex or when a man wants to urinate. The cylinders can also be deflated to make the penis soft and more natural-looking. Penile implants are usually used for men who have erectile dysfunction and can’t get an erection with medications or other conservative treatments.

Penile implants aren’t recommended for men who have a condition like diabetes that isn’t under control. They can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure when the penis artificial penis is inflated. Inflatable implants are available in one-piece or two-piece versions. One-piece models use flexible or semirigid cylinders that are rigid enough for sex but can be bent to a more natural shape when needed. Two-piece models use a pump to send fluid from a reservoir hidden in the scrotum to cylinders inside the penis, inflating them for sex or when a man needs to urinate. A valve at the base of the pump can be pressed to return the cylinders to their normal flaccid state.

Newer penile implant models have cylinders that may slightly increase the length, thickness and stiffness of the penis during inflation. When the device isn’t inflated, it looks more natural and is easier to conceal under clothing.

How is an artificial penis made?

The penis performs a strange combination of functions: it procreates, urinates and transmits pleasure. It is a complex assemblage of tubes, tissue and nerves configured in the awkward crook of space between the legs.

The phalloplasty procedure (the surgery to construct a penis) is one of the most complicated surgical procedures in medicine. It combines several modular surgeries that address each part of the penis. Some surgeons specialize in phalloplasty and other physicians use this technique to help patients with erectile dysfunction.

There are 2 types of penile implants used for phalloplasty: malleable and inflatable. A malleable prosthesis is a set of flexible rods that are always semi-rigid and that people can bend downward for sex or upward for intercourse. They feel like a regular penis but they are not as rigid or as large as a cis-men’s penis.

An inflatable penis is a 3-piece device that consists of two inflatable cylinders placed in the penis, a pump placed in the scrotum and a reservoir that contains fluid. When the pump is activated it pumps the fluid (usually salt water) from the reservoir into the cylinders, which creates an erection. When the erection is no longer needed, the valve in the scrotum releases the fluid back into the reservoir and the prosthesis deflates. This type of implant has been around since 1973.

What are the benefits of an artificial penis?

Penile implants are usually recommended for people with erectile dysfunction who haven’t responded to more conservative treatment Dildo Manufacturers like ED medication. They also can be used for Peyronie disease or as part of gender affirming surgery. These implants are flexible, easy to use and don’t change the feeling of sex.

Most men who have this procedure are satisfied with the results, saying that it feels very much like a natural erection. It is not recommended for men who have spinal cord injuries, uncontrolled diabetes or immunosuppressive treatments as they could be at risk for infection.

Currently, there are two types of penile implants: malleable and inflatable. A malleable implant consists of a semi-solid tube with a series of segments that allow the penis to be angled upward or downward for sexual activity. These are easy to use and have low failure rates.

Inflatable prostheses consist of a pump, reservoir and valve in the scrotum that transfers fluid from the reservoir to cylinders within your penis, inflating them. When you want to be erect, you press the pump that is in your scrotum and the cylinders fill with a saline solution that mimics an erection. When you’re finished, you push a button that returns the fluid to the reservoir and deflates your penis.

Most insurances cover the cost of a penile implant. A surgical procedure is needed to insert the device, but it’s a quick and relatively painless operation.

What are the risks of an artificial penis?

Some risks are involved in any surgery, including penile implant surgery. The most serious risk is infection. Your surgeon may give you antibiotics before and after surgery to reduce your risk of infection.

You might have pain after surgery. A urologist can help control your pain.

A small percentage of men aren’t satisfied with the results of their penile implants. You can’t test out the implant before you have it put in, so there’s no way to know if you’ll be happy with the result.

You might have problems with the pump or reservoir in the device. It’s important to tell your health care provider about any prescription or over-the-counter drugs you take, especially aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, or herbal supplements. These might increase your risk of bleeding or interfere with the operation of your artificial penis.

During the first few months after the procedure, you might have an increased risk of infection in the skin around the penis. Infections can be more severe in people who have diabetes or spinal cord injuries.

Some people develop a narrowing of the opening of the foreskin (phimosis). Others have a leak or a swelling of clotted blood or clear fluid (hematoma or seroma). Some people might have trouble with the sensation and the feel of an erection. A small number of people are at a higher risk for developing an infection because they have a condition such as spinal cord injury or uncontrolled diabetes.



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